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Here's the scoop...



Well I have something really cool for you guys first of all Devon will be in a movie called the extremists not much information has been given about the movie but I do know this it is an action movie judging by who the director is!!
Well also Slackers has found a home and a release date which is Jan.18,2002. I've been waiting along time for this movie to come out and I've also been hearing some very postive reviews on the movie's script which is always a good thing.


Well i have to ask you guys for some help!
Well since devon will not be returning to the sequal to Final Destination there are going to kill off the character which is very bad for us since then their will be not chance of him maybe returning in the 3rd movie.
So I made a petition to save Alex Browning!
Please it only takes a minute to sign!

Sign Petition

Movie Buzz

Devon was in talks with the company on the sequal to Final Destination but they could not meet Devon's standards on money. So Devon will not be returning to the second one:-(
Posted 7/27/01


Here I'll include some of the juicier stuff I hear. No guarantee of the accuracy of what you read in this column!

Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page!
