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When the lights go down...

The eXtremists (2002) .... Will
Slackers (2001) .... Dave
Final Destination (2000) .... Alex Browning
Guilty, The (1999) .... Nathan Corrigan
Idle Hands (1999) .... Anton
Around the Fire (1999) .... Simon
SLC Punk! (1999) .... Sean
Cool, Dry Place, A (1998) .... Noah
Wild America (1997) .... Mark Stouffer
Boy's Club, The (1997) .... Eric
Robin of Locksley (1996) .... Robin McAllister
Night of the Twisters (1996) (TV) .... Dan Hatch
Now and Then (1995) .... Scott Wormer
"Action Man" (1995) TV Series (voice) .. Additional Voices
Casper (1995) .... Casper on Screen
Little Giants (1994) .... Junior Floyd
"Odyssey, The" (1992) TV Series .... Yudo
"Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years" (1995) playing "Hank Valen" in episode: "Hanging, The" (episode # 1.2) 9/28/1995
"Action Man" (1995)

Final Destination

Final Destination (2000)

This was the first movie were I felt Devon was in a great movies. This movie was the first time my mom was interesting in what i was looking up on the net. I still remember going opening day. My mom was going to have a baby soon and the movie was so great it cause the baby to kick my mom at the really big scenes! It could also be the best because i love horror Movies and i had been waiting for a movie to scare me in some way and this was the one. It wasn't like Scream or the others. It was different it give you something to really fear and it was death itself!


Favorite Movie

In this area I'll talk about what I think is this star's best movie. I'll try to explain why I think it's their best work and why it's important to me personally.